Dr Anna Scott BEng PhD
Research Fellow
Dr Anna Scott is Research Fellow within Engineering and the Environment at the University of Southampton.
Anna Scott works in the field of composite materials. This includes the use of advanced experimental techniques in combination with mathematical modelling to characterise the comcomplex material structure of polymer matrix composites.
Current Position
Anna is currently an Industrial Research Fellow, coordinating the research at the University of Southampton with Luxfer Gas Cylinders; organising and being part of multi-national meetings for the design and innovation research group. She also co-supervises two PhD students sponsored by Luxfer.
Anna’s research is continuing to develop analysis tools for loaded composite structures to understand their fundamental material behaviour, more information can be found in the research tab.
Her secondary role is working as part of the µ-VIS centre (Multidisciplinary, Multiscale, Microtomographic Volume Imaging centre) in the exploitation of micro-focus Computed Tomography (CT). Her role comprises the synthesis of advanced 3D imaging techniques and quantification tools that are used and developed to carry out complex imaging and analysis across many applications and facilities in academic and industry