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The University of Southampton
Computationally Intensive Imaging

Ms Liubov Meshkova

Visiting researcher

Ms Liubov Meshkova's photo

Ms Liubov Meshkova is Visiting researcher within Geography and Environment at the University of Southampton.

BSc. Honours in geology with specialization in Geo-ecological cartography and GIS from Tomsk State University, Russia

Previous experience includes working as a GIS specialist in environmental monitoring (Russia), GIS training consultancy and technical translation work (UK).

The research is focused on geomorphology of the multi-channel mixed-bedrock alluvial section of the Mekong River in the north-eastern parts of Cambodia, South East Asia and comparison of its planimetric characteristics to these of other multi-channel rivers of a different nature. In order to complete a portrait of the river at the high level of details new data on morphology, geology and sediments were obtained during field surveys of a 120 km river section in Cambodia and combined with information from published literature and interpretation of available remote sensing images. In addition, luminescence dating of the sediments from a palaeochannel and the sediments constituting the surfaces of alluvial islands and an adjacent plain elucidate development of the Mekong in this region. This process has enabled to update and clarify knowledge on morphology of observed islands and floodplain, comprehensive geology and tectonic structures, hydrological regime and land cover of the Mekong in historical context.

The planform characteristics of the Mekong River network are compared using analysis of channel network and islands configurations with the fluvial patterns of the Orange River (South Africa), Upper Columbia River (Canada) and the Ganga River (India, Bangladesh). These rivers are selected as examples of anastomosed mixed bedrock alluvial, anastomosed alluvial and braided alluvial rivers respectively. Network parameters such as channel bifurcation angles asymmetry, sinuosity, braid intensity and island morphometric shape metrics are compared and contrasted between bedrock and alluvial systems. In addition, regional and local topographic trend surfaces produced for each river planform help explain the local changes in river direction and the degree of anastomosis, distinguish the bedrock-alluvial rivers from the alluvial rivers. Finally, the description of the channel planform and the network metrics provide a quantitative means to describe the distinctive character of the Mekong in comparison with other well known large alluvial anastomosed river systems in similar environmental settings.

Research group

Earth Surface Dynamics

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Published Papers :
Carling, P.A., Radecki-Pawlik, A., Williams, J.J., Rumble, B., Meshkova, L., Bell, P. and Breakspear, R (2005) The morphodynamics and internal structure of intertidal fine-gravel dunes: Hills Flats, Severn Estuary, UK. Sedimentary Geology, Doi.10.1016/j.sedgeo.2005.07.007

Papers in press:
Meshkova, L.V., Carling, P.A., Buffin-Banger, T., 2011. Nomenclature, complexity, semi-alluvial channels and sediment-flux-driven bedrock erosion. In: Church, M., Biron, P., Roy, A. (Eds.), Gravel Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, UK, in press.

Meshkova, L.V., Carling, P.A., 2011. The geomorphological characteristics of the Mekong River in northern Cambodia: a mixed bedrock-alluvial multi-channel network. Large Rivers Special Issue, Geomorphology, in press.

Meshkova L.V “The Anastomosed Bedrock Channel of the Mekong River in Northern Cambodia” Oral presentation in “Large Rivers” section on the 7th International Conference on Geomorphology, Australia, Melbourne, June 2009

Meshkova L.V, Carling, P.A. “Characteristics of alluvial-bedrock anastomosed rivers: the Mekong River in Cambodia” Oral presentation in “Sediment transport, erosion, and channel morphology” section at the European Geoscience Union, General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May, 2010.

Meshkova, L.V., Carling, P.A. “Comparison of planform multi-channel network characteristics of alluvial and bedrock controlled large rivers”. Poster presentation at the International conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers, Vienna, April 2011.

Meshkova, L.V., Carling, P.A. “Comparison of planform multi-channel network characteristics of alluvial and bedrock controlled large rivers”. Oral presentation in “Dynamics of fluvial systems during the Athropocene” section at the XIV Latin America Congress on Geology, Medelline, Colombia, August 2011.

Conference Papers:
Carling, P.A., Richardson, K., Radecki-Pawkik, A., Meshkova, L. and A. Hill “Simple methods using polyurethane foam to preserve friable sedimentary structures, and the geometry of void spaces, such as soil pipes and rock-bed erosion features.” Paper presented in proceedings of the conference “Conserving Our Recent Past”, Bournemouth University, June 10th, 2003.

Ms Liubov Meshkova
Building 27, Room 2029, University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ
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