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The University of Southampton
Computationally Intensive Imaging

Imaging in Direct and Reciprocal Space at the Diamond Light Source by utilising I13's Unique Coherence Properties Event

Interdisciplinary Research Excellence
27 May 2016
Physics Seminar Room (Building 46/5081) Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BJ

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For this week's colloquium (Friday 27th May), we're delighted that Ulrich Wagner of the Diamond Light Source Ltd. will give a talk entitled 'Imaging in Direct and Reciprocal Space at the Diamond Light Source by utilising I13's Unique Coherence Properties'. This colloquium will be of particular interest to those in the quantum/nano/photonics areas. Undergraduates will, as always, be most welcome.

I13 is a 250 m-long hard x-ray beamline (6 keV to 35 keV) at the Diamond Light Source. It comprises two fully independent and simultaneously operating experimental endstations: one for imaging in direct space, currently providing high resolution in-line phase-contrast tomography; and one for imaging in reciprocal space using coherent diffraction based techniques like Ptychography, Bragg-CDI and Photon-Correlation Spectroscopy. In addition, the particular design of this branch provides an outstandingly large lateral coherence length beyond 200um, lending itself to unique research in the field of coherent x-ray optics, the development of novel instrumentation and imaging techniques in relation to interferometry, holography and speckle tracking.

After an overview of the Diamond Light Source and the specifics of synchrotron light, the talk will delineate advances in instrumentation achieved at Diamond, like the Double-Mini Beta Scheme and a new generation of horizontally deflecting beamline optics, entailing the design of I13 and its two endstations. These facilities and the science they support will be adumbrated by discussing some representative experiments in more detail. Eventually the talk will give a short outlook on the future development of I13 towards nano-imaging and the prospects for I13 provided by a machine upgrade towards an ultimate storage ring.

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