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The University of Southampton
The India Centre for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development

India Centre 5th Anniversary Event

17:30 - 21:00
10 July 2024
Turner Sims Concert Hall Highfield Campus University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email University of Southampton India Centre at .

Event details

The University India Centre is delighted to announce its special celebrations of the fifth- year anniversary to be held on Wednesday 10th July 2024 at the iconic Turner Sims Concert Hall within the Highfield campus. The celebrations mark the impactful journey and achievements of the India Centre to coincide with the dissemination of The Ramniklal Solanki Pioneers Research Project, a joint initiative of the University of Southampton India Centre and the Asian Media Group and supported by UKRI and India Business Group. This high-profile event will commence at 5.30 pm featuring the influential Pioneers and VIP guests from the government, business and industry. Rest assured, the evening is filled with keynote addresses, Pioneers Film Premiere screening, Indian cuisine and a dazzling musical performance comprising different sounds of India from the multitalented Sachin Shankor Mannath and his team of musicians. Get ready folks, the Indian summer starts here!

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