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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Benefits to Industry

industry capabilities
Our mission is to catalyse company growth through the exploitation of world-leading biofilm research. In collaboration with businesses, BIKC will offer a range of academic and professional support to strengthen industry's capability, its skills base and its technological and business potential. Building on our leading position in national and international biofilm research and in partnership with our industrial members, we will deliver:
  • A core team of biofilm scientists and engineers as research and technology translators, leveraging existing research funding.
  • BIKC-funded Postdoctoral Project Engineers in the first year to focus on industry targeted science.
  • Access to postdoctoral research assistants already engaged in cutting edge biofilms science.
  • Seed funding for concept demonstrators, available for academics and companies to undertake initial exploration of translational research topics.
  • Facilities and equipment fit for purpose to enable operational activities and produce technology demonstrators, with access for third parties.
  • A national research and regulatory agenda for biofilms with a research and innovation road map.
  • Integration of biofilms into UK industry and Government lobbying and advice.
  • The opportunity to invest in bespoke projects tailored to the needs of an industrial partner.
  • New product development expertise within a highly regulated environment.
  • Entrepreneurial skills and CPD training for industrial researchers.
  • Geared funding through the building of consortia eg Innovate UK projects, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP), EU projects and access to undergraduate/postgraduate projects.
  • Professional management of knowledge and intellectual assets (internally and externally owned IP).
  • An industry outreach and engagement programme, to inform research and innovation strategy and raise awareness with companies about the state of the art.
  • Market analysis and market development capability, to evaluate the commercial opportunities across a range of potential end-users.

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