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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Health Technology USRG funding for the development of major research bids

Published: 17 July 2012
Image of tubes

The Health Technology USRG is proposing to provide a small amount of funding for its members to support the development of full proposals for major research bids. We all recognise that there are often considerable costs involved in writing major proposals and we hope this will offset some of these and encourage interfaculty and interdisciplinary collaboration both across the University and outside.

Funding will be available throughout the academic year 2012/2013 and each bid will be assessed on merit and value for money by at least two independent senior members of the USRG. Maximum funding per proposal will be £2000.

Funding can be used for: Travel, the cost of meetings and support in writing such as paying a researcher to do a literature review. Funding is not available for pilot work.

If you would like to apply please submit a proposal providing the following information:

  • 1. Applicant details including Faculty and job title
  • 2. University of Southampton Co-applicant details
  • 3. Details of external collaborators
  • 4. Title of proposal
  • 5. Funding source
  • 6. Value: a) to Southampton b) other institutions
  • 7. Submission deadline
  • 8. ~300 word abstract of the proposal
  • 9. Funding requested and justification

Completed proposals should be sent to the Health Technologies USRG Coordinator, Frances Clarke ( )

Funding is only available to support interdisciplinary bids in the area of Heath Technology. Applicants and University of Southampton co-applicants must be members of the Health Technologies USRG. The applicant need not be the PI of the project, but should be leading the Southampton research.

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