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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2014

Published: 2 May 2013

The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2014 will open for entry in the Summer. We made several excellent applications in 2013 and the Multidisciplinary team will be happy to support you in applications to next year's show.

The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2014 will open for entry in the Summer:

We made several excellent applications in 2013 and the Multidisciplinary team will be happy to support you in applications to next year's show.

You will also be interested to see the call to submit proposals for UK scientists to present an interdisciplinary international 2 day conference, which I will circulate to appropriate groups. Please send to interested colleagues:

Thanks for your enthusiastic responses to the recent request for entries to The London Science Festival.

Drop me a quick message if you are interested in submitting an entry to the Royal Society for Summer 2014.

I can send you the brief for previous years.  You can start thinking about planning your exhibit,  and we can help provide creative solutions as well as accessing some of the amazing technologies across the University to support your application.

Email Jackie Milne for further details:

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