Integrated photonics in the future: Silicon, plasmonics or something else? Event

- Time:
- 14:00 - 15:00
- Date:
- 26 September 2011
- Venue:
- Building 46, Room 2003 (LT-B)
Event details
The possibilities for an “electronics like” development of integrated photonics according to Moore’s law are discussed with reference to the different materials and device technologies at hand. Emphasis will be on plasmonics and its prospects, such as limits to scaling of plasmonics based integrated photonics circuits to higher spatial densities. Other materials are also discussed, giving several examples of integrated photonics devices with reduced footprint and power dissipation and enhanced functionality.
Jacob Mackenzie
Optoelectronics Research Centre
Highfield Campus
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 02380 592693