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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Work Futures in the Digital Economy Event

12:00 - 14:00
22 - 23 March 2012
Chilworth Manor Hotel

For more information regarding this event, please email Pauline Leonard at .

Event details

Interdisciplinary Symposium 22-23 March 2012

How is the digital economy changing working lives and work organizations?

What kinds of education and skills are valuable in the digital economy?

How is the local, national and global organization of work changing with or in response to digital technologies?

What do careers look like in the digital economy?

How are digital business models and modes of service delivery shaping new kinds of work and organization?

Who is gaining and losing from the digitization of work?

How/can governments and policy makers support a fair and vibrant digital economy for all?

These questions cut across disciplines, theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. This symposium draws together expertise across these boundaries.

Confirmed speakers include:

Chris Baldry , Professor Emeritus, Stirling Management School, University of Stirling, and former Editor, New Technology, Work and Organization Emma Bell , Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Management, University of Keele Phillip Brown , Professor of Social and Educational Research, University of Cardiff Dave De Roure , Professor of e-Research in the Oxford e-Research Centre and the National Strategic Director for Digital Social Research Alison Fuller , Professor of Education and Work, University of Southampton Susan Halford , Professor of Sociology, University of Southampton Wendy Hall DBE, Professor of Computer Science, University of Southampton Hugh Lauder , Professor of Education and Political Economy, University of Bath and Editor, Journal of Education and Work Pauline Leonard , Reader in Sociology, University of Southampton Catherine Pope , Professor of Medical Sociology and Director of Web Science Doctoral Training Centre, University of Southampton Mark Weal , Lecturer in Web Science, University of Southampton Anne-Therese Lotherington , Professor of Sociology, University of Bodo, Norway Natasha Allden ,University of Southampton

Our aim is to keep the symposium small, to foster cross-disciplinary dialogue.

The event will run from Thursday 22 March 2012 at noon and concludes at 2pm on Friday 23 March 2012.

There is no fee and the costs for meals and refreshments will be met by WFRC.

We cannot reimburse accommodation expenses, but have provisionally secured rooms at Chilworth Manor Hotel at a rate of £73.04 (bed and breakfast) for Thursday night.

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