- Time:
- 09:00 - 17:00
- Date:
- 4 - 8 June 2012
- Venue:
- Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Event details
CALL FOR PAPERS Workshops at the Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media Dublin, Ireland, June 4-8, 2012 Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
Workshops Overview
The ICWSM-12 Committee invites papers to the workshops accepted to the Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-12). The Workshops Day will be held at the start of the conference on June 4 2012 in Dublin, Ireland. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with a selected focus on providing an informal setting for active exchange among researchers, developers and users on topics of current interest.
We have four exciting workshops accepted to ICWSM-2012 and we encourage participation from the community. If you missed the deadline for ICWSM but which is relevant to any of the workshops, then please consider submitting your work there.
The four workshops taking place at ICWSM-2012 are:
Workshop on Social Media Visualization (SocMedVis) Full Day Workshop Social media study and analysis brings researchers from many fields into a single setting. Even though the tasks of these researchers are varied, data visualization and analytics plays an important role. For industry and academics alike, visualization of social media data helps with hypothesis formation and supports the explanation of phenomena.
Workshop on Real-Time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams (RAMSS) Full Day The RAMSS workshop aims to bring together experts in the real-time analysis and mining of social streams, as well as to further develop and exchange knowledge around these tasks. Given the novelty of the research field, the workshop also aims to encourage attendees to build a discussion forum to share on the current state of the research field, as well as to propose solutions for the shortcomings.
When the City Meets the Citizen Workshop (WCMCW) Full Day Much of research in social media has gone into understanding the relationship between the city and its dwellers, and researchers have done so by collecting and analyzing what dwellers post on social media sites. However, these sites could be used not only to monitor citizens but also to engage them. This workshop is interested in research that aims to progress both sides of this relationship, but particularly research that works towards closing the loop between the city and the citizens.
Workshop on the Potential of Social Media Tools and Data for Journalists in the News Media Industry (SocMedNews) Half Day
There are numerous cases in which "established" news agencies and news outlets are not the first point of call for users because everybody equipped with e.g. a smartphone can capture and publish events as they unfold on a platform of their choice (e.g. on YouTube, in Facebook, via Twitter etc). For this reason, news media organizations are increasingly depending on content from and information residing in Social Networks. However, news organizations are facing one crucial question when it comes to using content from the social web: "Can I trust this source? Is the source reliable? ". The aim of this workshop is to encourage participants to discuss, share and exchange ideas and results on social media research, technologies, and applications in two essential areas: news-gathering in the social web and filtering / analyzing the available data (e.g. by relevance, reliability, accuracy etc).
March 2, 2012: Workshop Paper Submission March 16, 2012: Workshop Paper Acceptance Notification April 2, 2012: Workshop Final Camera-Ready Paper Due June 4, 2012: ICWSM-12 Workshops Day
Sofus A. Macskassy Workshops Chair, ICWSM-2012 email: twitter: @icwsm