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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Two chemical/biological approaches to Alzheimer's disease: Prevention (Aftins) and Therapy (Leucettines) Event

17:00 - 18:00
28 September 2012
Building 85, Room 2207

Event details

IfLS Seminar Series Dr Laurent Meijer, ManRos Therapeutics, France presents.

With over 25 million patients world-wide, 4.6 million new cases every year, a global cost over 248 billion $ per year, only five, poorly active, marketed drugs, a limited understanding of the causes and molecular mechanisms of the disease, the lack of appropriate animal models and the lack of reliable molecular markers, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is probably one of the most devastating and worrisome human pathologies in developed countries, but also a very challenging disease for the pharmaceutical industry. We have approached AD in two different directions: 1. Prevention and 2. Therapy.

Refreshments will be available after the seminar.

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