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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Biomedical Sciences Forum Event

25 January 2013
IDS Seminar Room Level A Southampton General Hospital

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Tom Fleming on 023 8079 4145 or email .

Event details

We have now made arrangements for the Biomed Sci Forum on January 25th. This will be held at the SGH site, in the Institute for Developmental Sciences Building in the Seminar Room on Level A at 4pm for 1 hour. The presenter is Jonathan West, an IfLS Research Fellow from Cancer Sciences. Jonathan is preparing an ERC consolidator application for mid February deadline entitled: ‘Crowd Sourcing: Peer Pressure in the Platelet Social Network’. This will cover the following: High throughput microfluidic technologies for single platelet function analytics to generate an evidence-based model of platelet cooperation in health and disease. This will be an exciting interdisciplinary application with clear biomed translational benefits – please pass on mail to anyone you feel may be interested to join the discussion and support Jonathan’s grant application. Please make every effort to attend and help Jonathan in his plan.

As you will know, these are designed to help staff prepare and shape grant applications in the biomed area by leading a discussion for around 15 min (no slides, just whiteboard) followed by informal discussion by the group present to advise on the science, collaborators, feasibility, whatever.

Please pass on this email to anyone you think would like to participate. Normally the group would be any research/academic staff above PhD level. The help and support you might get could be invaluable in securing funding.

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