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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Wessex Immunology Group Spring Meeting ‘Translational Immunology’ Event

12:00 - 18:00
19 March 2013
LT2, South Academic Block, Southampton General Hospital

For more information regarding this event, please email Jessica Teeling at .

Event details

Please don’t forget to register by Friday 1st March for the Wessex Immunology Group Spring Meeting ‘Translational Immunology’ on the 19th March 2013. We now only have one month to go until our spring meeting and we are emailing to remind everyone interested to register for this exciting afternoon of world class immunology. Although this is a free event with all welcome we do need everyone intending to attend to register for catering purposes. Please do take the time to complete a registration form (attached) and return, it as detailed, as soon as possible.

Wessex Immunology Group

Spring Meeting 2013

‘Translational Immunology'

19th March 2013 (12:00-18:00)

LT2, South Academic Block, Southampton General Hospital

This is a free meeting, but pre-registration is required. Closing date for registration - 1 st March 2013 (registration form attached).


12.00 - Registration and Lunch

13.00 - Welcome Address

13.05 - Tony Williams (University of Southampton) ‘Immune cartography with a molecular compass - what a patient's journey can teach us about host defence to infections'

13.45 - Robbie Henderson (GlaxoSmithKline) ‘Anti-BLyS therapy'

14.25 - David Adams (University of Birmingham) ‘Liver inflammation is regulated by VAP-1 an enzyme with therapeutic potential in liver disease'

15.05 - Afternoon Tea/Coffee

15.30 - John Isaacs (University of Newcastle) ‘AuToDeCRA: Autologous Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells for Rheumatoid Arthritis'

16.10 - Ratko Djukanovic (University of Southampton) ‘IFN-beta for the treatment of virus induced asthma exacerbations: from the lab to drug development'

16.50 - Closing Remarks

17.00 - Drinks reception

We hope that you will agree that we have managed to put together another great programme of immunology for this our third themed meeting. These biannual meetings aim to foster links between our wide immunology research base across the region and to build external links with other immunologists outside of our area.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Wessex Immunology Group Committee

Stephen Beers, Jens Madsen, Ali Roghanian, Jessica Teeling

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