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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Border crossings: Tackling health and education Event

16:30 - 18:30
12 June 2013
Southampton Education School, Lecture Theatre 1015, Building 32 (Ground Floor)

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Sue Dewhirst on 023 8079 8927 or email .

Event details

A seminar from The Mathematics & Science Education Research Centre (MaSE) together with the Population Health URSG presenting three innovative research projects that explore the potential of connecting health and education in different settings.

Life Lab

Dr. Marcus Grace and Dr. Kath Woods-Townsend : Southampton Education School

LifeLab has now taken over a thousand local teenagers through a programme aimed at improving their health-related attitudes and behaviour. Marcus Grace and Kath Woods-Townsend present a summary of progress so far.

Health education in Initial Teacher Training

Dr. Jenny Byrne : Southampton Education School and Ms. Sue Dewhirst : Faculty of Medicine, Southampton present the approach taken and the impact of including health and well-being as important components in ITE programmes for all Primary and Secondary trainee teachers at Southampton.

Barriers and facilitators to effective teacher training around health and well-being

Dr. Jonathan Shepherd : Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre (SHTAC), Faculty of Medicine presents the results of a project funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Public Health Research programme; a questionnaire and interview survey about the coverage and effectiveness of health and well-being/ PSHE Education within initial teacher training (ITT) in England.

Refreshments will be available from 16.30 in the foyer. Please register by emailing Sue Dewhirst ( )  to help us gauge the catering.

Learning to make informed choices

Speaker information

Professor Paul Roderick,one of the Chairs of the university's Population Health USRG, will introduce the event.

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