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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Tilden Prize Seminar Event

18 July 2013
Building 27, Room 2003 Highfield Campus

For more information regarding this event, please email Syma Khalid at .

Event details

You are cordially invited to a half-day symposium on 18th July in the general area of electrochemistry, which will include the Tilden Prize lecture by Pat Unwin (Warwick).

The line-up is as follows:

Guy Denault , Southampton: title tbc  2.00pm

Peter Smith , Southampton: title " Windows into cells: Chemical signatures in the unstirred layer "  2.45pm

Coffee break 3.30pm

Pat Unwin , Warwick: " A Nanoscale View of  Electrochemical Processes " 4.00pm

Please do encourage your groups to attend- all the speakers are excellent!

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