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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

11th Annual SoNG Meeting: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind. Is it all between the ears? Event

09:30 - 17:00
19 September 2013
Lecture Theatre A, Avenue Campus Highfield Road Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email Debbie Buck at .

Event details

The annual SoNG conference will take place on Thursday 19th September 2013 and is administered by the Southampton Neuroscience Group.

3 Guest speakers

Prof Julia Newton, Newcastle: "Standing up for fatigue - the role of autonomic dysfunction in chronic fatigue syndrome"

Prof Hugo Critchley, Brighton: "Heartfelt emotions and visceral fear'"

Dr Masafumi Ihara, Osaka Japan: "Bench to bedside: using mouse models to identify new treatment approaches for Alzheimer's disease"

This year the steering group would like to encourage contributions from postgraduates and research fellows and will allocate 15 minutes slots for ORAL COMMUNICATIONS which will be incorporated into sessions with one key note speaker. In order to allow sufficient time to assemble the programme the DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS IS AUGUST 26th . Abstracts (not more than 400 words including Title, authors, affiliation and indicate that it is for an ORAL presentation) should be sent to Debbie Buck

We will endeavour to accommodate all submissions but if the oral sessions are oversubscribed slots will be allocated on a first come basis. POSTER abstracts may also be submitted (not more than 400 words including Title, authors and affiliation) to Debbie Buck by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd .

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