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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Energy Storage Mini Symposium Event

Solar Panels
14:00 - 17:30
27 November 2013
Building 2, Room 1089 (Lecture Theatre D), University of Southampton University Rd SO17 Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please email Frances Clarke at .

Event details

Showcasing Southampton University research in all things battery related.


14:00 - Welcome: Professor Gail Taylor , Chair of the Energy Multidisciplinary Research Group

14:10-14:40 - Professor John Owen 'Prospects for increasing energy and power storage densities in batteries'

14:40-15:10 - Professor Andrew Cruden 'Lifetime issues of batteries used for Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) energy storage'

15:10-15:30 -  Tea and biscuits

15:30-16:10 - Keynote lecture Professor Brian Hayden (Professor of Physical Chemistry, Southampton University and Chief Scientific Officer of Ilika, one of Europe's most innovative clean technology companies)

16:10-16:40 - Professor Pavlos Lagoudakis : 'Nanophotonics for Energy Efficiency'

16:40-17:10 - Professor Andrea Russell : 'Improving oxygen electrocatalysts for air batteries and water electrolysers'

17:10-17:30 - Discussion, Future Oultooks, Perspectives and Q&A chaired by Dr Robert Raja

17:30-18:00 - Wine and canapes

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