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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Attempting to model all life on earth - a proof of concept General Ecosystem Model Event

29 January 2014
Building 53, Room 4025a Highfield Campus

For more information regarding this event, please email Jo Corsi at .

Event details

Part of the CS4 Complexity Systems Seminar Series 2013-2014


Over the past few years, Microsoft Research and the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), both in Cambridge, UK, have built a global ecosystem model for terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Called the Madingley model, it captures the broad-scale structure and function of ecosystems around the world by simulating processes - including feeding, reproduction and death - that drive the distribution and abundance of organisms. From the relationship between the mass of individual organisms and how long they live, or the effects of  human perturbations such as hunting, to the distribution of biomass across Earth, the model's outputs are broadly consistent with current understanding of ecosystems. Global ecosystem models such as the Madingley model could radically improve understanding of the biosphere and help inform policy decisions about biodiversity and conservation.

The talk will run from 4-5pm in B53/4025, Highfield Campus.

All CS4 talks are free and refreshments will be provided from 5pm. For videos of previous talks and interviews and details of future talks please visit:

To help us manage numbers, if you would like to attend one of our seminar series please can you inform Jo Corsi

Speaker information

Dr Mike Harfoot ,Cambridge,United Nations Environment Program and Microsoft Research

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