Disease Ecology Meeting Event
- Time:
- 12:00 - 13:00
- Date:
- 11 June 2014
- Venue:
- Room 1087 Building 44 Highfield Campus
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Nicola Wardrop on 023 8059 4612 or email Nicola.Wardrop@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
Mapping money: a study of the losses to livestock keepers from bovine trypanosomiasis in Eastern Africa
Dr Shaw has been working on the subject of tsetse and trypanosomiasis in people and animals for many years. A wide range of tools and strategies for controlling bovine trypanosomiasis exist and there has been much heated debate about the best way to intervene. In order to support decision-making in this field the potential benefits from control were mapped in a five stage process: defining and mapping the region's cattle production systems, relating these to cattle and tsetse populations, using demographic herd models to estimate losses and population growth, then mapping potential cattle population expansion and ultimately the potential monetary benefits. This multi-disciplinary analysis followed on from similar work in West Africa. Alex will explain the methodology used, its strengths and weaknesses and the resulting implications for implementing cost-effective intervention strategies.
These meetings are intended for everyone with an interest in disease ecology, spatial epidemiology and the types of spatial analysis and modelling methods that may be used in this field. There will also be a lot of relevance in some of our meetings for researchers in similar fields (e.g. species distribution modelling, health geography).
All are welcome to join us - it's a great opportunity to get together and discuss on-going research, methods, conferences, publications and more in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. Feel free to bring your lunch.
The list of upcoming meetings is kept up to date
Speaker information
Dr Alexandra Shaw,University of Edinburgh,Alexandra Shaw is a livestock and health economist based in Andover and linked to the University of Edinburgh.