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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Soft tissue infections and wounds: differences in treatment plans between China and the UK Event

12 June 2014
IDS lecture theatre, level A, Southampton General Hospital

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Robert Murray on 023 8079 8664 .

Event details

Yunfei Wang, MD , Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Visiting Research Fellow to Dr Raj Mani

LUNCH is available from 12.30 in the seminar room opposite


Chronic wound healing is a major challenge; it carries significant medical, economic and social burdens. As a physician trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, I trained to treat patients with chronic wounds based on syndrome differentiation and external (topical) treatments.

I have spent the last 12 months in Southampton as an International Visiting Fellow to Dr Mani and colleagues learning about clinical research, the microcirculation as well as objective diagnosis, and standard care for chronic wounds.

Currently there is a greater emphasis on the use of technology and evidence based practice in Western medicine. This presentation will focus on what I have learnt and how I plan to use it on return to Shanghai.

all are welcome!

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