Engaging with Policy: a free one-day workshop Event
- Time:
- 10:00 - 16:00
- Date:
- 21 January 2015
- Venue:
- Hartley Suite Highfield Campus University of Southampton SO17 1BJ
For more information regarding this event, please email Erin Downey at e.downey@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
On the 21st January, Public Policy @Southampton will be hosting a free of charge, full day’s workshop to examine the significant, but complex, relationship between Academia and Policy. The objective of the day will be to create a clearer understanding of the policy landscape, identify ways to bridge the gap between the two very different worlds, and facilitate in developing high-level impact work.
Register here
The event be split into two sessions, the morning will see our own established academics and policy makers talk about their personal experiences, and end with an open panel discussion with questions from the audience. The afternoon, we will play host to the Houses of Parliament Outreach Service who are coming in to deliver training on the work, processes and institutions of Parliament.
Over lunch, we will welcome Council along for an informal networking session to offer them insight into the fantastic work happening across the University. An exhibition of policy engagement work, previously commissioned by Public Policy@Southampton, will also be open to explore at lunch time for people to speak to those behind the projects, and see the successes they have gone on to achieve.
Our panel members are:
John Denham MP
Prof Guy Poppy: Chief Scientific Advisor of FSA and Professor of Ecology
Prof Gerry Stoker: Co-director of PP@S and Professor of Politics and Governance
Prof Nyovani Madise: Director of PP@S and Professor of Demography and Social Statistics
Please note: as places are very limited, to avoid disappointment, ensure you register early.