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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Web Science Institute Distinguished Lecture with Professor Evelyn Ruppert Event

17:30 - 19:00
22 January 2015
Building 34, Room 3001 University of Southampton Highfield Campus SO17 1BJ Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Web Science Institute on 023 8059 3523 or email .

Event details

The Web Science Institute is delighted to announce that Professor Evelyn Ruppert, Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London and founding Editor of Big Data and Society will be giving a WSI Distinguished Lecture at 18:00 on Thursday 22 January 2015.


Big Data & Society: critical interdisciplinary inquiries is a recently launched SAGE journal that involves over 70 scholars from 15 countries and across the disciplines of the arts, humanities and social and computing sciences. As founding and chief editor, my talk will focus on how we designed a visualisation for the Journal that reflexively engages with how it is defining what Big Data is and its matters of concern. I’ll critically question our decision to work with a network diagram – one of the most popular visualisations in circulation – and discuss how it captures issues that working with Big Data introduce: interactivity, dynamism, recursivity and performativity. Through this discussion I will think about how our research practices are inside rather than outside of the making of what is Big Data.

Evelyn Ruppert is Professor in the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London. She was previously a Senior Research Fellow at the joint University of Manchester and Open University Centre for Research on Socio-cultural Change (CRESC) and co-convened a research theme called The Social Life of Methods. She was PI of a recently completed ESRC funded project, Socialising Big Data and is currently PI of a project funded by an European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant, Peopling Europe: How data make a people (ARITHMUS). She is also founding and editor-in-chief of the SAGE journal, Big Data & Society: Critical Interdisciplinary Inquiries, launched in June 2014.

The lecture will start at 1800 with refreshments from 1730 in the foyer of Building 30 (Chemistry).

All are welcome!

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