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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Beating Ebola Event

Population Health
26 February 2015
LTA, Nuffield Theatre (Building 6) University of Southampton, Highfield, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please email Sara Afshar at .

Event details

A talk by Dr Chris Lewis, plus presentations about Global Health Links in Wessex organised by the Wessex Global Health Network in collaboration with Medsin and the Population Health USRG

The evening is designed so that people with an interest in global health can benefit from an opportunity to meet and network; hear about work in Wessex related to global health and learn about the UK contribution to managing the Ebola outbreak in West Africa


18.00 - 19.00 : Refreshments and networking

19.00 - 19.45 : Welcome followed by Session 1 : Examples of Wessex Global Health Work

Dr Abie Sharpe : Winchester Hospital's work in Yei, South Sudan

Louise Hopley : Work as a physiotherapist  on placement in South Africa.

Prof. John Coggon : Public Health/Ethics perspective of work in global health

Leadership Fellow : Improving Global Health through Leadership Development

19.45 - 21.00 : Session 2 'Beating Ebola' Introduced by introduced by Dr Julian Sutton , Infectious Diseases Consultant, Southampton

Dr Tim Nicholson Roberts : Neuro-Intensive Care Anaesthetist/Intensivist, Southampton. Tim will talk about this experiences working clinically at the Kerry Town Ebola Treatment Centre in Sierra Leone.

Dr Chris Lewis (Department for International Development (DfID) has recently returned from Sierra Leone. He will talk about the work being undertaken to manage and contain the outbreak. He will also describe some of the measures to prevent Ebola spreading to the UK and what to do if it were to do so. After his talk, there will be time for questions and further networking.

It is expected that the event will be videoed and this will be available to view after the event. It is assumed that those who apply for a place have no objections to this.

For more information and to register click here

Medsin is a student network with over 30 branches in universities across the UK, allowing students to tackle global and local health inequalities through educational events, advocacy and community action. Medsin believes that the students of today are critical to bringing about an equitable and healthy world of tomorrow, and to this end organises many national activities and working groups, as well as collaborating with numerous external partner organisations both nationally and internationally, such as the International Federation of Medical Student Associations (IFMSA).

Medsin Southampton is collaborating with the Wessex Global Health Network (WGHN). Supported by Health Education England , WGHN helps people interested in global health to keep in touch with each other and to remain up to date with local, national and international information about global health. It sends out weekly updates on news and events about global health to anyone who signs up to receive these and promotes educational events and good practice. Through this collaboration, Medsin and WGHN seek to promote networking and educational events that

  • Bridge the academic and services worlds
  • Inform people about the various Wessex Links that exist with other countries
  • Provide the opportunity to network
  • Provide education and learning
  • Enable student engagement/involvement with the ability to talk with professionals
  • Can be videoed and made available on line
  • Provide exposure to the wide range of contributions to global health, not just health care

This is the first of these collaboration event and it coincides with the first anniversary of the Wessex Global Health Network.

Global health at the University of Southampton
Global health at the University of Southampton

Speaker information

Dr Chris Lewis,Department for International Development , Dr Lewis has recently returned from Sierra Leone. He will talk about the work being undertaken to manage and contain the outbreak. He will also describe some of the measures to prevent Ebola spreading to the UK and what to do if it were to do so. After his talk, there will be time for questions and further networking.

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