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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Autonomous Systems Research Showcase and Networking Event Event

Autonomous systems research
14:00 - 17:00
20 March 2015
175/1007 Boldrewood Campus University of Southampton

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Frances Clarke on 023 8059 8975 or email .

Event details

To launch the University Strategic Research Group in Autonomous Systems we are hosting a research showcase and networking event. The event is an opportunity for researchers to present their research and to network with others. In addition to researchers addressing the engineering challenges posed by autonomous systems, we are particularly keen to hear from researchers who might be the end users of these emerging technologies, and those interested in their legal, ethical and societal impact. Whether you wish to present your research or simply come and listen, you are very welcome and we just ask that you register your attendance so that we can gauge the catering for the event.

All of the presentations are now on this page from the launch event. The programme from the day is shown below.


13.30 - Tea/coffee and refreshments available

14.00 -  Welcome from the Chair of the event, Professor Alex Rogers

14.05 - Introduction to the new Autonomous Systems USRG, by Professor Jim Scanlan

14.15 - Session One of 3- minute presentations:

  • Chang Liu ‘Control and Implementation of Autonomous Quadrotor in GPS-denied Environments’
  • Julian Leyland ‘What we need for safely mapping hazardous terrain’
  • Gabe Weymouth ‘Maritime robotics – getting up close’
  • Cath Hollyhead 'autonomous marine sensors for energy scavenging from fixed moorings'
  • Jon Downes ‘Smart Autonomous Ships for safer seas’
  • Kirk Martinez ‘Autonomous environmental sensor networks’
  • Luke Teacy ‘Autonomous UAVs for Search and Rescue, and Disaster Response'
  • Gopal Ramchurn ‘Human Agent Collaboration for Multi-UAV Coordination ‘
  • Chris Paulson ‘Mass Customization in Engineering: a proposed design loop for bespoke unmanned aircraft’

14.45 - Networking break with refreshments

15.15 - Session Two of 3- minute presentations:

  • Chris Crispin ‘An intelligent, heuristic path planner for multiple agent unmanned air systems’
  • Ben Waterson ‘The road to autonomy: achieving transitions from driven to driverless cars’
  • Joerg Fliege ‘WORHP - We optimise really huge problems’
  • David White ‘Gliders at the Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems (MARS) facility’
  • Alex Rogers ‘Autonomous Acoustic Sensors For Conservation and Biodiversity Monitoring’
  • Alvaro Lorenzo ‘SeeTrack & the glider website’
  • Mario Brito ‘Adaptive Ocean Sampling Networks, the Small Business Research Initiative & reliability for Unmanned Systems’
  • Sally Bennett ‘Autonomous Maritime Platforms – surface and submerged’
  • Robert Veal ‘The liability position in respect of accidents involving unmanned maritime vehicles’
  • Martin Arundell ‘Development of a colorimetric microfluidic pH sensor for autonomous seawater measurements’
  • András Sóbester ‘Atmospheric Science Through Robotic Aircraft’

15.50 - Reception with wine and canapés and an opportunity to network

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