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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Professor Sujit Saha on:Air Pollution and Health Event

Population Health
6 May 2015

For more information regarding this event, please email Lisa Coates at .

Event details

An event from the PCPS seminar series

Professor Saha's research includes work in an EPSRC funded research project jointly with Dr Duncan Lee, Glasgow University and the Met Office. The project, entitled: "A rigorous statistical framework for estimating the long-term health effects of air pollution", aims to investigate health effects of air pollution. The project will develop methodology in both air pollution and health outcome data modelling and their integration.

The event is free and everyone is welcome however to allow us to gauge catering, we would be grateful if you could please register your attendance by emailing Lisa Coates

Air pollution shortens lives

Speaker information

Professor Sujit Sahu,Sujit Sahu is a Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton whose research interests centre around practical Bayesian modelling and computation for understanding and interpreting large and complex data sets.

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