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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

UK Marine Technology Postgraduate Conference (MTPC) 2015 Event

1 - 2 July 2015
Southampton Bolderwood Innovation Campus University of Southampton Southampton SO16 7QF

Event details

The 6th UK Marine Technology Conference will be hosted by the University of Southampton on 1st & 2nd July 2015. The aim is to bring together postgraduate students and early career researchers in marine technology to share and discuss their current research in a casual environment.

The opportunity is provided to present individual work, understand what research is being undertaken at other UK institutions key to the maritime sector, and to allow the researchers to develop contacts useful in their future careers.

The conference sessions will be chaired by appropriate academics and industrialists, who will be able to further enhance the knowledge sharing that the conference aims to promote. Typical presentation themes include:

  • Ship design
  • Marine structures
  • Hydrodynamics
  • Marine engineering
  • Offshore/pipeline engineering
  • Small craft and yacht design
  • Ship propulsion
  • Marine renewables

The UK MTPC is an opportunity for postgraduate researchers from any UK institution to present an aspect of their current work and is mainly aimed at those currently studying for a Doctorate, MPhil or equivalent in a marine technology subject, though abstracts will be considered for presentation from Masters students and early career post-doctoral researchers where appropriate. Speakers will be required to present either a summary of their work so far or a particular aspect of their research.

The conference is open to all interested undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and industrials and will be an opportunity to learn about the research currently being undertaken by postgraduates in marine technology and to network and meet with colleagues from across the UK.

Key dates:

  • 20th May - abstract submission
  • 10th June - registration
  • 1-2nd July - conference

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The UK MTPC is supported by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects .

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