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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Ships and Shorelines Conference Event

Lifelong Learning
16 - 18 October 2015
Avenue Campus Highfield Road Southampton SO17 1BF

For more information regarding this event, please email Lifelong Learning at .

Event details

Lifelong Learning and pleased to co-host a conference with the Royal Archaeological Institute and the University’s Centre for Maritime Archaeology from Friday evening on 16 October to Sunday October 18 2015 beginning with a key-note address by Professor Jon Adams at 18.30.

This event consists of a conference and two study days being organised by the Royal Archaeological Institute on Maritime Archaeology in the 21st century.  On Saturday 17th October, the meeting will discuss current research in maritime history and archaeology and the efforts currently being made to develop such heritage. Public engagement and the role of museums will be considered in light of recent political and research developments. The impact of climate change on maritime archaeology will also be discussed.


Saturday 17 October -

09.30 From prehistory to public engagement: the work of the Maritime Archaeology Trust:
Garry Momber (Director), ‘Mesolithic occupation in the Solent: a common European heritage’
Amanda Bowens, ‘Forgotten wrecks of the First World War; raising awareness and public involvement’
Julian Whitewright, ‘South Coasters: the maritime archaeology of two 19th-century shipwrecks from the Solent’
Lauren Tidbury, ‘Maritime archaeology and cross-border co-operation’

11.00 Coffee

11.30 David Parham (Bournemouth University), ‘The Swash Channel, Dorset, 16th-century wreck’
Professor David Sear (University of Southampton), ‘Investigating the lost port of Dunwich, Suffolk, using sub-sonic techniques’

13.00 Lunch

During lunch, postgraduate students and early-career maritime archaeologists will make short presentations of their work. There will be two parallel sessions, and you may drop in and out as you choose.

14.30 Professor Dominic Tweddle and colleagues, Work of the Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth, on HMS Victory and two World War 1 vessels, HMS Caroline and M33

16.00 Tea

16.30 Dr Fraser Sturt (University of Southampton), ‘The isles of the British Isles; reconstructing sea-level changes’
Dr Kieran Westley (University of Ulster), ‘Submerged archaeology: investigation in the north of Ireland’

Sunday 18 October -

Focus turns towards some of the specific vessels being curated and studied, such as the Mary Rose and the Newport ship. This day focusses therefore on examples of cutting-edge archaeological and historical research within watery environments -

09.30 The Mary Rose; ‘not just a project of the 1970s and 1980s’
Christopher Dobbs (Head of Interpretation and Maritime Archaeology), ‘Presenting maritime archaeology in the 21st century’
Alexzandra Hildred (Curator of Ordnance), ‘Mary Rose research in the 21st century’

11.00 Coffee

11.30 Peter Clark (Canterbury Archaeological Trust), ‘The Dover Bronze Age boat’
David Gibson (Cambridge Archaeological Unit), ‘The Must Farm log-boats’

13.00 Lunch and presentations, as above

14.30 Gustav Milne (University College London, Institute of Archaeology/Museum of London Archaeology), ‘Community archaeology on the foreshore: CITiZAN and the Thames Discovery Programme’
Professor Nigel Nayling (Trinity St David, University of Wales), ‘The Newport ship’

16.00 Tea and end of conference


£40 full rate (£30 Loyalty Scheme price*)

£25 loyalty rate (Harbour Lights Members, Friends of Parkes, English Teachers Network, U3A members, university staff and alumni)

£12.50 discount rate (students/sixth form & college students and those in receipt of income-based Job Seeker's Allowance, Income Support, Working Tax Credit, Council Tax or Housing Benefit)

All prices include lunch and refreshments

*The Loyalty Scheme price is available for those paying the full rate, once you have purchased one study day at full price (£40) you are then entitled to pay £30 for other study days during the academic year. Please select this option in the Online Store but please note you can not use the Loyalty Scheme to pay for other guests.


BOOKING NOW CLOSED. Please note that prior booking is required to attend this event.

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