IfLS Poster Session: Life Technologies Event

- Time:
- 16:00 - 18:00
- Date:
- 11 December 2015
- Venue:
- Level 7 Observatory, Life Sciences Building (85), Highfield Campus
For more information regarding this event, please email IfLSAdmin@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
The IfLS Poster Sessions are an informal networking opportunity for colleagues interested in the theme areas of Microfluidics, Sensors and Point of Care Devices
Posters will be presented by researchers and teams supervised by the following research group leaders:
Prof. Liudi Jiang - Engineering and the Environment.
Dr Xunli Zhang , Dr Andrew Walls , Prof. Hywel Morgan and Dr Eren Efrem - Engineering and the Environment; Medicine.
Prof. Hywel Morgan - Electronics and Computer Science.
Prof. Richard Oreffo , Dr Sumeet Mahajan , Dr Rahul Tare - Medicine; Chemistry.
Dr Maurits de Planque - Electronics & Electrical Engineering.
Dr Collin Sones , Prof. Rob Eason - Optoelectronics Research Centre.
Dr Fernando Calahorro - Biomedical Sciences.
Dr Peter Glynne-Jones , Engineering and Environment
Prof Martyn Hill , Engineering and Environment
Dr Jonathan West , Medicine
*** Registration is not necessary, all are welcome ***
*** Refreshments will be available ***