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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

The Arts and Dementia Project Event

Arts and Dementia
12:00 - 16:00
29 April 2016
The Chapel, King Alfred Campus, University of Winchester, Sparkford Road, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4NR

For more information regarding this event, please telephone University of Winchester on Tel: +44 (0) 1962 841515 or email .

Event details

Hosted by the Centre for Arts as Well-being at the University of Winchester (as part of Research and Engagement Week 2016), in partnership with the University of Southampton. Join the conversation between neuroscientists researching the effects of dementia on the brain with artists working to improve the quality of life for those with dementia.

Performers and researchers from the Centre for the Arts as Wellbeing at the University of Winchester have been exploring the effects of interventions for those with dementia, in hospitals and the community through a variety of art forms including music and poetry. Interventions that increase the activity of the brain, and therefore increase the blood flow to the diseased areas, are effective for patients and provide a supportive activity for carers. Join us as neuroscientists, performers and researchers showcase the integration of biomedical and artistic data and processes. We hope together we can trigger new avenues of research for artistic and scientific interventions in dementia.

Research Lectures: Arts and Dementia Project by Professor Norma Daykin at the University of Winchester, and Biomedical Research by Dr Roxana Carare at the University of Southampton.

To book (£35 before 31st March 2016, £45 afterwards):

Arts and Dementia Poster

Speaker information

Rev Professor June Boyce-Tillman MBE ,University of Winchester,Performative lecture

Dr Roxana Carare ,Biomedical Research

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