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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Next Generation Sequencing Symposium 2016 Event

08:45 - 16:00
18 May 2016
Faculty of Medicine Lecture Theatre 2, South Academic Block, Southampton General Hospital

For more information regarding this event, please email The Genomic Informatics Group at .

Event details

This is a full day symposium with internal and external speakers, rapid fire research and exhibitor stands.

As you will see in the programme, we have an exciting and diverse line-up including Dr. Chris Tyler-Smith from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute talking on “African Genomics and Human Evolution”, colleagues from Public Health England discussing their sequencing of Zika virus, from National Oceanographic Centre updating us on sequencing of Antarctic ice samples and of course representation from Wessex Genome Medicine Centre.

Sponsored stands from commercial partners include: Illumina, Agilent, PacBio, Covaris, FluidX etc.

Lunch, coffees and snacks will be provided.

We will also be hosting a BBSRC Excellence with Impact FioNA sequencing competition for early career researchers. A chance to win a £2,000 grant for NGS-based research based on the (almost!) shortest grant application ever. Just 100 words to make your case! Applications must be sent to by 11th May. The prize has been sponsored by the Institute for Life Sciences. Competition rules are in the download section below.

Finally, we are also having a poster competition, with a £100 Amazon voucher for best poster and two £50 runner up prizes. All entrants must send their NGS based poster title to by 11th May to participate.

Registration is now open. Places are limited so please register early as places were oversubscribed last year.

We look forward to welcoming you to the conference.

Organising Committee: Reza Jabal, Enrico Mossotto, Reuben Pengelly & Sarah Ennis

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