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The University of Southampton
Interdisciplinary Research Excellence

Theme 2 (human and animal therapies and diagnostics to monitor bacterial pathogen spread) - 'Bridging the Gap' Workshop Event

Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention
12:00 - 13:30
5 May 2016
Building 6 (Nuffield Theatre), Room 1083 (L/R C) University of Southampton Highfield Campus Southampton SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Yvonne Richardson on 02380 594943 or email .

Event details

Professor Robert Eason will lead this lunchtime workshop to facilitate collaboration between NAMPRIP members around AMR theme 2: 'Accelerating therapeutic & diagnostics development'.

Our events are friendly and informal

This workshop is open to everyone in the NAMRIP network whether PhD students, Early Career Researchers, Academics or Clinicians. It will provide an opportunity for members to share expertise, plans and ideas for working together on AMR Theme 2 topics (e.g Decontamination; Sensors; Smart surfaces/dressing to prevent infection; Urinary infections and Wound care.)

Dr Collin Sones, Dr Tom Secker and Professor Tim Leighton will be giving updates on developments in NAMRIP pump priming projects in Theme 2 related topics:

  • Dr Tom Secker: 'The effect of surface roughness on the attachment and removal of MRSA and prion-associated amyloid from surgical surfaces'
  • Dr Collin Sones: 'Enabling testing of Antimicrobial Resistance to antibiotics via laser-patterned paper-platforms'
  • Professor Tim Leighton - overview and brief details of how Dr Syma Khalid's project 'A multidisciplinary platform for studying antimicrobial peptides: bridging the gap between the in vitro and in silico regimes' is going. Syma is also a Co-I on an AMR related project with University of Warwick and is unfortunately already committed to being in Warwick so unable to be at the meeting in person.

Come and enjoy a free buffet Lunch and refreshements but remember to book - we ask that you please book on to the event so that we can gauge the catering.

Use this as an opportunity to have lunch, meet new researchers, make connections and stimulate ideas for your future research and collaborations.

Are you on Twitter? Follow NAMRIP on Twitter and Tweet this event to your followers using #namrip .

Speaker information

Professor Rob Eason,Associate Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering

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