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The University of Southampton
Intersectionality: Politics - Identities - Cultures Research Group

Books and book chapters

Turney, J. (2019) 'Stitched Up; The Knitting Map in Context', in Gilson, J & Moffat, N, (eds.) Textiles Community and Controversy, Bloomsbury, pp. 156-169.

Turney, J. (2018). 'Material Evidence: Sexual assault, provocative clothing and fashion' in J. Turney (Ed.), Fashion Crimes: Dressing for Deviance (pp. 171-191). I.B. Tauris.

Cole, S. (2017) ‘From Lesbian and Gay to Queer: Challenging the hegemony in collecting and exhibiting LGBT fashion and dress’. In A. Vänskä, & H. Clark (Eds.), Fashion Curating: Critical Practice in the Museum and Beyond (pp. 137-150). Bloomsbury Academic.

de-Bruin Mole, M. (2017) ‘Space Bitches, Witches, and Kick-Ass Princesses: Star Wars and Popular Feminism’ in Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling, eds. Sean Guynes and Dan Hassler-Forest (Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP), pp. 225-240.

de-Bruin Mole, M. (2017) ‘“Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem!” The Neo-Victorian Novel-as-Mashup and the Limits of Postmodern Irony’, in Neo-Victorian Humour: The Rhetorics and Politics of Comedy, Irony and Parody, eds. Marie-Luise Kohlke and Christian Gutleben (Amsterdam: Brill), pp. 249-276.

Sendra, E. (2017). ‘Art Festivals in African Cities,’ in Pensa, Iolanda (ed.) ( 2017). Public art in Africa, Geneva: Métis Presses.

Cole, S. (2015) ‘New Underwear and Notions of Virility in Contemporary Society’. in Bruna, D. (ed) Fashioning the Body: An Intimate History of the Silhouette. Yale University Press, New York and London, pp. 259-263.

Davis, A. J., (2015) 'Remote Control: From the Theater of Drones Back to the Living Room War, Martha Rosler’s "House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home"', in Woeful Weapons: Josep Renau & Martha Rosler Reacting to War, Institut Valencia d’Art Moderne.

Cole, S. (2015) ‘“Fashion’s Gender Agendas’. In Utopian Bodies: Fashion Looks Forward. Liljevalchs, Stockholm, pp. 258-262.

Dunn, A.G. and Owen, D. (2015) 'Instituting Civic Citizenship' in Tully, On Global Citizenship, London: Bloomsbury.

Sekhon, Y. (et al.) (2015). 'Consumer trust and confidence in the compliance of Islamic banks'. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 20, pp. 133-144.

Turney, J. (2015). 'Thoroughly [well almost] modern menswear'' in E. Demoen (Ed.), Jazz Age: fashion in the roaring twenties, Gent, BE: Snoeck.

Brebenel, M. (2014) with Christopher Collier. 'Escaping Psychogeographical Cul-de-Sacs' in Return to the Street, eds. Fuggle, Henri, London: Pavement Books.

Brebenel, M. (2014) with Christopher, Collier &  Joanna Figiel. 'The Artist as Interlocutor and the Labour of Memory', in The Postcolonial Museum. The Arts of Memory and the Pressure of History, eds Chambers, DeAngelis, Iannicello, Orabona & Quadraro, pp. 89-99. Surrey: Ashgate.

Brebenel, M. (2014) 'Nous Sommes Toujours Avec/ We Are Always With: provisional title for a study film', in Looking at Images: A Researcher's Guide, eds. Birkin, Chahrour & Manghani, (e-book published in collaboration with British Library, funded by AHRC, London).

Turney, J. (2014). 'Fear and clothing in Adidas'. In D. N. Rall (Ed.), Fashion & War in Popular Culture (pp. 125-138). Bristol, GB: Intellect Ltd..

Turney, J. (2014). 'S(M)other's love', in A. Moran, & S. O'Brien (Eds.), Love Objects: Emotion, Design and Material Culture London, GB: Bloomsbury Academic.

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