Yin, Y. (Forthcoming, 2019) The Third British-Sino International Conference of Cultural Histories, Creative Futures 2019, funded by Confucius Institute Headquarters, China. : international research collaboration project.
Brebenel, M., Cardo, V., De Bruin-Molé, M., Sendra, E. (Forthcoming) 'Technologies of Gender' Symposium.
Yin, Y. (2018) 'Chinese Traditional Art-based Emotional Therapy for Dementia in the UK' , with research partners from Health Science at Brunel University and art & Design from Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology.
Yin, Y. (2018) 'PackAgeing: inclusive packaging design for elderly consumers', with UoS Biomechanics and Consumer Data Mining and retail partners: to investigate the challenges elderly consumers face with food packaging.
De Bruin-Molè (December 2018) 'Gendering Technologies' Practice Workshops.
Sendra, E. (February 2018). 'The Internet and Digital Culture', One-week module in the international training course ‘Innovaiton sociale et entrepreneuriat en Tunisie: Les femmes et l’utilisations des TIC dans le développment local’ [Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tunisia: Women and the Use of TIC in Local Development.] Hosted at Université de Sfax (Sfax, Tunisia), in partnership with Universidad de Cádiz (Spain).
Turney, J. (2018) 'Partners in Crime', one day workshop to discuss creation of a network to look at relationships between fashion and crime and build on existing interests and projects.
Turney, J (2018) 'Beyond The Cute', panel discussion at GWO, Sydney regarding women, craft and activism.
Yin, Y (2018) 'A Smart Performance Measurement Approach for Collaborative Design in Industry 4.0', 1st International Symposium on Smart Products Through-Life Design: Theories, Methods and Tools, 17-18th September 2018, Xi’an China.
Yin, Y (2018) 'Inclusive Service Design for Older Customers', Keynote at Design Week Festival, Mondelēz International, Birmingham.
Yin, Y (2018) 'Innovative Methodologies: an ethnographic user study of older customers’ supermarket shopping experience', Keynote presentation at Transforming Research and Practice Through Cross-disciplinary Insights in Business, Law and Art Doctoral Conference, 2018.
Cole, S. (2017) 'Masculinities in the Archives' (London College of Fashion), one day symposium to address men’s clothing and masculinities within the context of archives and collections. Contributions from Museum of London, Westminster Menswear Archives and London College of Fashion.
Yin, Y. (2017) 'Design for Future: Retail Frontiers Exhibition', 2017 London Design Festival, 21st-24th September 2017, London. Yin, Y. (2017) ‘Silver Shoppers, Golden Market’, guest speaker at the ESRC Festival of Social Sciences, Southampton.
Yin, Y (2017) 'Inclusive Design Exhibition', Hands-on Humanities, Human Worlds Festival 2017, Southampton.
Cardo, V. (2016) Data Visualisation Symposium, GMM: one day symposium bringing together academics, postgraduate students and industry practitioners to explore what visualisation can tell us about information from services and institutions that would not otherwise be as readily accessible.
Davis, A.J. (April 2014) 'There’s no place like home? Women-in-passage: “Home” and migrations in women’s art since 1945', conference session at Association of Art Historians annual conference at the Royal College of Art, London, (co-convenor with Dr Basia Sliwinska).
Davis, A. J. (September 2014) 'Trans-figurations: Feminism, Art and Global Futures' (New Walk Museum and Art Gallery, Leicester), Annual WSA Global Futures Conference, with Sexual Politics Research Group and Communication, Culture and Citizenship Research Challenge, Loughborough University (Dr Basia Sliwinska).