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The University of Southampton
Intersectionality: Politics - Identities - Cultures Research Group

Journal articles

Cole, S. (2019) ‘The Difference is in the Detail: Negotiating Black Gay Male Style in the Twentieth-First Century’, Dress: The Journal of the Costume Society of America, 45 (1)

Cole, S. (2019) ‘“Men Feel Swell in…” Men’s Underwear: Functional Necessities or Desirable Luxuries?’, Luxury: History, Culture, Consumption, 5 (1)

Brebenel, M. (2018) ‘Our Networks will be anti-racist and our pedagogy critical’. Cinema Journal Teaching Dossier on Teaching Media Against the Global Right, Vol 5 (1), eds. Jaikumar, Dickinson.

Cardo, V. (2018) ‘Technology, Popular Culture and Everyday Life: The Electoral Defeat of New Zealand Internet/MANA’, Information Polity, 23(1), pp. 67-80.

Cardo, V. (2018) (with Curtis, N.) ‘Superhero Comics and Third Wave Feminism’, Feminist Media Studies, 18(3), pp. Mole, M. (2018) ‘“Hail, Mary, the Mother of Science Fiction”: Popular Fictionalisations of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in Film and Television, 1935-2018’, Science Fiction Film and Television, 11(2), pp. 233-255.

de-Bruin Mole, M. (2018) ‘“I had no idea dragons were so well mannered”: Politeness Gets Political in Mannerpunk’, Deletion 14, n.pag.

Sendra, E. (2018). ‘Displacement and the Quest for Identity in Alain Gomis's Cinema.’ Black Camera, 9(2), Spring 2018, pp. 360-390.

Sendra, E. & Ndour, S. (2018) ‘Fiftieth Anniversary of the First World Festival of Negro Arts: A Comparative Study of the Involvement of the Populations in the World Festival of Negro Arts in 1966 and 2010.’ In Interventions-International Journal of Postcolonial Studies.

Sendra, E. (2018). ‘Situando el cine francófono africano en Colombia: la isla de Gorée en el cine senegalés.’ In Giraldo Barreto, Marco & Rodríguez, Jenny Alexandra (eds.) (2018). Catálogos razonados: Muestra Afro. Bogotá, Colombia: Cinemateca Distrital – Gerencia de Artes Audiovisuales, pp.76-99.

Sendra, E. (2018). ‘Alain Gomis, dir. Félicité. 2017. 124 minutes. Lingala (with French and English subtitles). Jour 2 Fête, DVD, €19.99.’ In African Studies Review. Cambridge University Press, 61(2), pp. 275-276. 1-2.

Yin, Y, Qiu, S. (2018). Social responsibility of cultural industry: holistic supermarket experience design for older customers in China. Cultural Industry Research, Vol.17, pp.65-75.

Cole, S. (2017) ’Gay Liberation Front and Radical Drag, London 1970s’, QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking 4(3), pp.165-169.

de-Bruin Mole, M. (2017) ‘Consuming Gender: Identity Construction under Global Capitalism’, with Dany van Dam and Akira Suwa, Assuming Gender 6(1), pp. 1-10.

Sendra, E. (2017). Rama Thiaw, director. The Revolution Won’t Be Televised. 2015. 110 minutes. Wolof and French (with English subtitles). Senegal. Boul Falle Images. €250.00. African Studies Review. Cambridge University Press, 60 (1), pp. 248-250

Cole, S. (2016) ‘Statuesque Masculinity: Considering the Idealised Trope of the Underwear Model’.  Vestoj, The Journal of Sartorial Matters (7), pp. 97-100.

Cole, S. and Lewis, R (2016) 'Seeing, recording and discussing LGBTQ fashion and style: Introduction’. Fashion, Style and Popular Culture, 3 (2), pp. 149-155.

Dunn, A.G. (2016) 'A Luxury Legacy for the Paris Commune: Review of Communal Luxury by Kristen Ross'. Cultural Politics 12 (1), pp.131—134.

Dunn, R. and Dunn, A.G. (2016) 'Bad Dolls/Reappropriating Badness: Performing the Feminine with Reference to Arab Muslim Dolls and Tiqqun’s Young-Girl' Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 12 (2) pp. 275—283.

Sekhon, Y. (with Robson, J.) (2016). 'Exploring the strain of inter-personal relationships on employees'. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing.

Sekhon, Y. (2016). 'Sacred and treasured luxury: the meaning and value of luxury possession amongst second generation Asian Indian immigrants'. Luxury: History, Culture, Consumption, 2 (2), pp. 71-89.

Sendra, Estrella (2016). 'Sembène!'. African Studies Review. Cambridge University Press, 59 (2), pp. 317-319.

Turney, J. (2016). 'Deceitful dressing or no sweat[s]: non-sporting outfits for armchair athletes'. Fashion Theory (Russia), 42.

Turney, J., Hebrok, M.,  & Klepp, I. G. (2016) 'Wool you wear it? – Woollen garments in Norway and the United Kingdom', Clothing Cultures, 3(1), pp. 67-84.

Cole, S. (2015) ‘Looking Queer?: Gay Men’s negotiations between masculinity and femininity in style and dress in the twenty-first century’, Clothing Cultures, 2 (2), pp.193-208.

Davis, A. J. and Basia Sliwinska, 'Trans-figurations: Transnational Perspectives on Domestic Space', Third Text, Vol 29, Issue 4-5, July - September 2015, 135-136, Special Issue: Trans-Figurations: Transnational Perspectives on Domestic Spaces, guest edited by August Jordan Davis and Basia Sliwinska, pp. 247-255.

Davis, A. J., 'Reading the Strange Case of Woman-as-Appliance: On Transfigurations, Cyborgs, Domestic Labour and the Megamachine', Third Text, Vol 29, Issue 4-5, July - September 2015, 135-136, Special Issue: Trans-Figurations: Transnational Perspectives on Domestic Spaces, guest edited by August Jordan Davis and Basia Sliwinska, pp. 356 - 376.

Cardo, V. (2014) 'Political Representation and Popular Culture: When Big Brother Met George Galloway, MP', British Politics, 9(2), pp.146 – 160.

Cardo, V., (with Rowland-Campbell, A., Vitale, M., Thompson, P.) (2014)  ‘Government as a Social Machine: the Implications of Government as a “Social Machine” for Making and Implementing Market-Based Policy', Australian Policy Online.

Cole, S. (2014). ‘Costume or dress? The use of clothing in the gay pronography of Jim French’s Colt Studio'. Fashion Theory, 18(2), pp. 123-147.

Cole, S. (2014). ‘Jocks in Jocks: sportsmen and underwear advertising’. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion, 1(2), pp.161-176.

Sekhon, Y. K. et al. (2014). 'Managing branding and legitimacy: A study of charity retail sector'. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 43(4), pp. 629-651.

Turney, J. (2014). 'A sweater to die for: fair isle and fair play in The Killing'. Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture, 12(1), pp. 18-33.

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