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The University of Southampton
Intersectionality: Politics - Identities - Cultures Research Group

Book Launch: 'Fashion Crimes' and 'Gothic Remixed' Event

 the two book covers
17:00 - 18:30
31 October 2019
Winchester School of Art, Lecture Theatre A.

For more information regarding this event, please email Dr Megen de-Bruin Molé at .

Event details

We invite you to join us for some Halloween festivities as we celebrate the publications of the suitably spooky 'Gothic Remixed: Monster Mashups and Frankenfictions in 21st-Century Culture' (by Megen de Bruin-Molé) and 'Fashion Crimes: Dressing for Deviance' (edited by Jo Turney). The launch event will be co-hosted by WSA’s 'Transforming Creativity' and ‘Intersectionalities' research groups. Drinks and refreshments will be provided, and there will be short talks by Dr Turney and Dr De Bruin-Molé. Places are limited, so please do reserve through Eventbrite.

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