New Research Fellows Join the ISLNE Partnership

Two new Research Fellows have joined the Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments Partnership as members of the Centre for Additive Manufacturing at the University of Nottingham. They will both contribute to aspects of the programme related to the additive manufacture of low-noise structures.
Dr Robyn Worsley joined the University of Nottingham as a Research Fellow in November 2020, where she will be working between the Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM) and the Advanced Materials Research Group , as part of the Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments partnership. She will utilise continuous hydrothermal production techniques to explore the synthesis of conductive and piezoelectric nanoparticles. Such materials will be incorporated into ink formulations for the additive manufacturing of active low-noise structures, with a view to embedding functionalities such as actuation and energy harvesting. Robyn has a background in two-dimensional materials and completed her PhD in Nanoscience at the University of Manchester in 2020. Her doctorate research focused on the solution-phase exfoliation of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets and their subsequent inkjet printing for the fabrication of flexible electronic devices, including capacitors and transistors.
Dr Anil Bastola joined CfAM at the University of Nottingham as a Research Fellow in Jan 2021 to work on the Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environements Partnership to support the development of passive and active acoustic metamaterials via expertise in Inkjet Printing and Deposition. Anil gained his BEng in Mechanical Engineering from Kathmandu University in 2014 and subsequently completed his PhD in 3D printing of smart materials and structures (magnetorheological elastomers (MREs)) at Nanyang Technological University . During his PhD, Anil developed a novel strategy to fabricate hybrid MREs by precisely encapsulating MR fluid filaments within a non-magnetic material by means of multi-material printing via a direct ink writing 3D printing technique and used the filaments for vibration isolation and absorption. After completion of his PhD, Anil joined Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG), Germany in 2019. At HZG, Anil worked on the highly interdisciplinary and collaborative EU project, Growbot . During this project, Anil worked with biologists and chemists and developed a novel cactus-inspired soft-actuator by combining 3D printing and multi-materials system for the soft-robotic applications.