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The University of Southampton
Joining the dots: from data to insight

The JTD group

The JTD team covers a wide spectrum of Topology, Topological Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Computer Science, Statistics, Medicine, Biology, and Chemistry. The team members are:

Jacek Brodzki (PI), Jeremy Frey, Ratko Djukanovic, Jon Forster, Mahesan Niranjan, Paul Skipp, and Peter Smith


Our postdoctoral fellows are: 

Matthew Burfitt, Ingrid Membrillo SolisMariam Pirashvili, Donya Rahmani and Jim Schofield. 

We have more postdoctoral positions open, so please contact us if you are interested at Prospective PhD students are also encouraged to contact us.


Team profiles

Jacek Brodzki is Professor of Pure Mathematics at the University of Southampton.
He works in topology, topological data analysis, and has strong interests and experience in direct applications of pure mathematics. At Southampton he has created and leads a research group in applied topology, that investigates theoretical foundations and applications of topological data analysis, including applications in medicine, biology, computer science, and chemistry. He has considerable experience in leading interdisciplinary projects based on applications of pure mathematics.

Jeremy Frey is Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Southampton.
His experimental research probes molecular organization in environments from single molecules in molecular beams to liquid interfaces using laser spectroscopy from the IR to soft X-rays. He investigates how e-Science infrastructure supports scientific research with an emphasis on the way digital infrastructure can enhance the intelligent creation, dissemination and analysis of scientific data.

Jon Forster is Head of Mathematical Sciences and Professor of Statistics at the University of Southampton.
His research interests are in methodological and computational statistics. Particular interests include statistical inference and prediction under model uncertainty, and statistical inference for categorical data, including discrete graphical models.

Ratko Djukanovic is Professor of Medicine within Medicine at the University of Southampton.
Professor Djukanovic leads the Inflammatory Cell Biology Group, and is a co-founder of  U-BIOPRED (Unbiased Biomarkers for the Prediction of Respiratory Disease Outcomes), where he leads the severe asthma biomarker discovery programme in Southampton using proteomic and lipidomic methods.

Mahesan Niranjan is a Professor in the School of Electronics and Computer Science and served as Head of the Information: Signals, Images and Systems (ISIS) research group.

Paul Skippis an Associate Professor of Proteomics, and is Head of Proteomics at the Centre for Proteomic Research within Biological Sciences at the University of Southampton.
His research at the Centre for Proteomic Research combines in-depth expertise with internationally competitive facilities for the large-scale characterization of proteins expressed in health and disease. This involves the application of a number of analytical proteomic technologies to a range of biological problems in a wide variety of organisms and tissues.

Peter Smith is the Director of Institute for Life Sciences (IfLS), Professor of Life Sciences, and Principal Investigator of Biophysics and Cell Biology.
Professor Smith is the first Director of the new Institute for Life Sciences. The Institute aims to catalyse interdisciplinary research working at the interfaces between medical/health and biological sciences with the physical sciences, mathematics and engineering. 

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