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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Centre for Law, Ethics and Globalisation Public Lectures

Published: 11 November 2010

Forthcoming Lecture -Thursday 11th of November, 1800hrs. Murray Lecture Theatre, University of Southampton

Speaker: Professor William Twining, Former Quain Professor of Jurisprudence, University College London.

Professor William Twining is one of greatest legal philosophers of our time. His work ranges from being a leading authority on the nature of law, American Legal Realism, the work of the American Jurist Karl Llewellyn, theories of evidence, philosophical and legal aspects of Jeremy Bentham’s thought and recently, the relationship between legal theory and Globalisation. Professor Twining's work has always been at the forefront of legal education and a new edition of his classic "How to do things with Rules", is forthcoming.

His latest book, General Jurisprudence: Understanding Law from a Global Perspective, was published in 2009 by Cambridge University Press.

Oren Ben-Dor Reader in Law at the University of Southampton, has expressed his delight that Professor Twining will be coming to Southampton to address the Centre for Law, Ethics and Globalisation members;

"I am sure many of you came across William's work whether in Jurisprudence, in your doctrinal research and last but not least through his views on legal education.

I certainly can recall his presence from the early stages of my student days.
Briefly - William Twining is one of the greatest Anglo-American jurists living today. his books include (with David Miers), How to do Things with Rules (now 5th edition), Cambridge University Press, 2010, Karl Llewellyn and the Realist Movement (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973), Theories of Evidence: Bentham and Wigmore (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1985). The latest book is General Jurisprudence: Understanding Law from a Global Perspective, Cambridge University, Press 2009. Some aspect of his work were discussed by Andrew Halpin when he came and gave us a talk last year.

"In the lecture, Professor Twining will consider the challenges posed by a dynamic and complex process of Globalisation and the dangers of simplifying it. The lecture will then identify critical generic questions that any legal doctrine has to face it is to respond properly to this complex process.

There will be inspiration and openings here for everybody's work. This is a lecture for both staff and students - see you there.

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