Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Students Conference

The Second Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Students Conference 2011 was held at the University of Westminster on 1 April 2011 with the participation of four postgraduate research students from the School of Law.
The first session of the conference started with the presentations of Ioanna Magklasi on "The Impact of Rotterdam Rules on International Trade" and of Haedong Jeon on "Coping with Muddles and Uncertainty in the Field of Multimodel Transport Liability". The conference followed with other presentations on carriage of goods by sea, maritime security and safety and ended with the marine insurance session where speeches were delivered by Aysegul Bugra on "Delay in Marine Insurance" and by Kostis Kofopoulos on "The Rights of Insurers after the Service of Notice of Abandonment in a Constructive Total Loss Case".
The research students reported that the conference has been an excellent opportunity to meet fellow postgraduate researchers and academics for future cooperation and to present their research topic in a highly qualified academic environment.
Photo shows Aysegul Bugra, Haedong Jeon, Kostis Kofopoulos and Ioanna Magklasi with Professor Jason Chuah.