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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

School of Law students to attend Summer School in Austria

Published: 4 May 2011

Five School of Law students will be attending the Summer School of European ICT and IPR Law being held in Reichenau, Austria, 31 July - 5 August 2011.

This prestigious event and the participation of the Southampton students is largely due to the efforts of the University of Southampton's Visiting Professor Sylvia Kierkegaard.

The 5 day series of lectures and workshops is organized by the European Academy of ICT Law in cooperation with the Co-Reach Project on IPR. It will host lecturers and students from Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia and United Kingdom. The Summer School is sponsored by the Co-Reach-Protect and by participating universities. There is just a symbolic participation fee of 50 EUR per participant. Accommodation, full board, reader and all other materials are provided for FREE. Group transport or reimbursements for individual transport might be provided by national coordinators.

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