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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Inspirational teaching recognised

Published: 25 June 2012

Southampton Law School Senior Lecturer Dr Remigius (Remi) Nwabueze has won a 2012 Vice Chancellor's Teaching Award. He was nominated by the third year undergraduates who took his popular optional module Law and the Human Body. They said his inspirational teaching made the subject come alive and incentivised them to work hard.

"I am very proud to be nominated for this award," says Remi. "I am pleased the students found the course interesting and rewarding, one of them told me it was the module that had enjoyed most during their studies."

Law and the Human Body answers the basic question 'Who owns your body' and goes beyond simple issues of organ transplantation. Remi adds "The biotech industry is increasingly using tissue and other body parts; it is important to understand the legal principles, frameworks and issues surrounding these new technologies."

Vice Chancellors Teaching Awards recognise outstanding teaching annually. Students' opinions are valued highly when awards are decided.

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