Commendation for Southampton academic at BMA Medical Book Awards

On 17th September 2013, at the BMA Medical Books Awards, Dr John Coggon’s book, What Makes Health Public?, was ‘highly commended’ in the Health and Social Care category.
John is a Reader in Law and member of Southampton Law School’s Health, Ethics and Law research centre (HEAL). Two excerpts from the judges’ comments illustrate the glowing commendation, thus:
‘The book’s depth, breadth, and relevance make it stand out as an original contribution that will be of enduring relevance.’
‘The book’s chief strength is placing public health interventions, which are often seen as un- or a-political, firmly within a normative liberal framework, thereby exposing the value-loaded claims of a discipline that often sees itself as neutral or non-normatively scientific. The book makes a significant contribution to reflection on the normative basis of public health interventions. Nobody working in this field — the ethics and politics of public health interventions — can afford not to be familiar with it. It is excellent.’
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