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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Southampton Law School Rugby Team: Community and Respect Comes First

Published: 16 June 2015

Mark Goh, a second year student studying Law LLB at the Southampton Law School, has undertaken the revival and management of the Southampton Law School Rugby team.

The Team

The team has a squad of 30 players, representing students from more than 13 different countries, including Hong Kong, Egypt and Brazil. This range of nationalities emphasises the diversity of team members and the opportunity the team presents for bringing students from all nationalities together through a shared passion. Team members were recruited through friends and word of mouth around the Southampton Law School.

The rugby team will be on tour in South Korea from 15-26 June after Singapore-based company Centurian Corporation Limited agreed to cover air fare for the squad. Whilst in South Korea the team will also be undertaking some voluntary work in the community.

The core values of the team are those of community, respect and equality. Players are selected on the basis of commitment rather than skill, giving all players the opportunity to play and improve their skills. . Respect is also an important feature of the team, helping to increase the sense of community the team strives for.

Looking to the future, the team hope to pursue further sponsorship, with the aim to find companies willing to sponsor the team’s kits and thus ease the financial commitment to the team required of members in terms of paying for kit. Marc also hopes to improve the UNICEF fundraising event which is took place for the first time year on 6th June to make it bigger and better for next year.

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