Professor Nield travels to Australia for Property Law conference
Professor Sarah Nield has just returned from the Australasian Property Law Teachers Conference at Curtin University in Perth Western Australia where she was invited, with Professors Susan Bright (University of Oxford) and Sarah Blandy (University of Sheffield) to give a plenary paper on their work on the Dynamics of Enduring Property Relations which is shortly to be published in the Modern Law Review. They also presented their work to legal practitioners in Perth as part of Curtin's Eminent Speakers programme. The conference was followed by a multi-disciplinary workshop on Sharing Property drawing on the key themes from the Dynamics of Enduring Property Relations project at which Sarah chaired a session looking at information disclosure about shared property rights. Both the conference and the workshop provided a lively forum for the exchange of ideas.
For further information visit Multidisciplinary Workshop page on The Curtin University website