Workshop on Horizontal Application of Human Rights
The Centre for Law, Policy and Society (CLPS) was delighted to welcome Elisabeth Ahlinder of the University of Stockholm to co-present a workshop with Sarah Nield on ‘Horizontality of the ECHR: Home Repossession and Article 8’. The workshop took place Monday 4th March and was well attended by Law School staff.
Elisabeth opened the discussion by outlining the case of Khursid Mustafa & Tarzibachi v Sweden (Application no. 23883/06), which demonstrated a wider application of horizontality. Sarah Nield then reviewed the more recent decisions that exhibit a more restrictive approach; most notably FJM v United Kingdom (Application No 76202/16).
As well as considering the specific issue of home repossession, the lively discussion encompassed broader themes, including the relationship between the European Court of Human Rights and our domestic courts, as well as the correct role for the judiciary when adjudicating human rights cases.