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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

PGR Researcher Awarded Joint SLSA Prize for Best PGR Paper

Published: 8 March 2021
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PGR researcher Alex Patrick has been awarded the joint prize for the best PGR paper at the online conference 'The Gender Pay Gap: From History to Computer Algorithms – The continued inequality of women at work 50 years after the Equal Pay Act was introduced'.

The conference was hosted by Northumbria University Law School and sponsored by the SLSA. Alex's paper was entitled 'The role of equal pay auditing in resolving unequal pay: More hindrance than help?', and examined the Equality and Human Rights Commission's (EHRC) guidance to UK employers on conducting an equal pay audit.

It identified a disconnect between the EHRC's method and equal pay law, which could make it harder for women to discover whether they receive discriminatory pay.

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