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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

The law's approach to alcohol problems. A discussion led by Jonathan Goodliffe Event

29 May 2013
University of Southampton Law Building 4 Room 2055

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Johanna Hjalmarsson on 023 8059 2664 or email .

Event details

A discussion led by Jonathan Goodliffe

Jonathan Goodliffe is a practising solicitor who has carried out extensive research in the field of alcohol misuse and how it is addressed within the law and the legal profession.

He will give a brief introduction to current scientific approaches to the study and treatment of alcohol problems. He will also discuss how those problems are dealt with (or as the case may be not dealt with) within various legal fields such as crime, employment, childcare, professional discipline, and insurance.

A seminar organised by the Insurance Law Research Group (ILRG) and Health

Speaker information

Jonathan Goodliffe,is a practising solicitor who has carried out extensive research in the field of alcohol misuse and how it is addressed within the law and the legal profession.

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