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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

The Global Reach of EU Law Event

18:00 - 19:30
5 December 2013
Murray Lecture Theatre (58/1067) Highfield Campus

For more information regarding this event, please email Jo Hazell at .

Event details

This lecture will examine the global reach of EU law in the context of current debates about the rise of the EU as a global regulatory power.

Challenging recent claims to the contrary, its findings are that the enactment of extraterritorial legislation by the EU is extremely rare. Nevertheless, the EU makes frequent recourse to a legislative technique that I term territorial extension, in order to gain regulatory traction over activities that  place abroad.

This technique not only leads to the EU governing transactions that are not centered upon the territory of the EU, but it also enables the EU to influence the nature and content third country and international law. Nevertheless, it is inaccurate to say that the EU thereby seeks to export its own norms. EU legislation which engages in territorial extension is generally characterized by an international orientation revealing the EU to be engaged in action-forcing contingent unilateralism rather than the exportation of norms.

The EU seeks to galvanise third country or global action to tackle transboundary problems and to pursue objectives that have been internationally agreed. The importance to the EU of this international orientation is clear from the criticisms that the EU has made of extraterritoriality and territorial extension in United States law.

Speaker information

Professor Joanne Scott,Professor of European Law, University College London,Joanne Scott was appointed as Professor of European Law at UCL in 2005, having taught previously at Cambridge, Queen Mary and Kent. Her main areas of expertise are European Union Law and WTO Law. She has published extensively on law and new modes of governance, environmental law and policy and on the intersections between different sub-national, national and international legal orders. She was recently awarded a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship for her research on the global reach of EU climate change law (2012-2014). She was a member of the UCL/Lancet Commission on Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change and of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution (2009-2011). She has been a regular Visiting Professor at Columbia Law School, a Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School and was a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence. She was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2012 and as a Fellow of the British Academy in 2013.

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