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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School

Southampton Law School Careers Programme

Welcome to the 2022 Careers Programme

This is a unique programme designed specifically for Southampton Law students to improve
your understanding of the range of careers open to you following your degree course.
Many of the sessions are led by graduates of our Law School and you will not only learn from
their experience but also get the opportunity to network and broaden your range of contacts.
We are sure that each of you will make the most of this fantastic range of opportunities, as
part of the unparalleled career support provided by Southampton Law School.

Jan Steele, Senior Tutor and Careers and Employability Co-ordinator, School of Law


Quotes from Year 2 students attending previous Careers Programmes

All sessions today will be held in the Senate Room, Building 37, Room 4049
Please click the session URL to access the registration page.

From Law Graduate to Partner

11.00 – 12.00

This session will look at how you can successfully make
the transition from law graduate to trainee and partner
in a leading regional law firm, Paris Smith. A partner
and two trainees from the firm will share their personal
experiences and explain how they succeeded in training
and qualifying in a competitive legal market. They will
outline what the firm is looking for and how they met these
expectations. They will pass on their top tips for success.

Richard Atcherley, LLP Partner and trainees from Paris Smith LLP

Register here .

Careers at the Law Commission


You have all read Law Commission consultation papers and
reports, but have you thought about how the Commission
works and how its recommendations become law? This
session is an opportunity to find out about the Law
Comission and about how you could start your legal career
working to reform the law as a Research Assistant.

Georgios-Nikiforos Dougenis and Luke Broadway,
Research Assistants, the Law Commission of
England & Wales

Register he re

A career in Commercial Real Estate with a City Law Firm


An insight into Mishcon de Reya LLP, a London based law
firm, and what a career as a real estate solicitor means in
practice. The session will also provide useful hints and tips
for completing training contract applications.

Giovanni Castronovo, Managing Associate,
Mishcon de Reya LLP

Register here

Solicitor Series Part 1: Find the Firm for You


Thinking about your five year plan? Which firm? What
type of environment you would like to start your career?
Come along and find an easier to way to research for
those vacation schemes, training contracts and qualifying
work experience. This workshop will lead you to the
right direction on your search for a vacation scheme or
training contract as it will cover: Importance of research
and where to start; Areas to consider when researching
and how it impacts your training contract experience;
Tailoring your application to the firm of your choice;
Making the right choice – selecting firms that fit into your
career path. Let’s find the firm for you.

The University of Law

Register here.

Strengths-Based Applications Masterclass with Reed Smith


At Reed Smith we use a strengths based assessment
approach which is designed to understand what
energises and motivates you. In this presentation we will
look at what ‘strengths-based’ means and how to leverage
your own strengths in the application process.

Charlotte Lear and Will Buckley, Graduate Recruitment
and Development Office, Reed Smith

Register here

All sessions today will be held in the Senate Room, Building 37, Room 4049
Please click the session URL to access the registration page.

Life as a Healthcare Lawyer


Max Slinger is a member of the Clinical Risk team at DAC
Beachcroft LLP where he conducts litigation on behalf of private
medical indemnifiers, NHS Trusts and GP beneficiaries at the
request of NHS Resolution. Max conducts a broad range of cases
from orthopaedic matters to brain injuries, emergency medicine,
vascular and spinal surgery. He deals with a variety of issues
including delays in treatment and diagnosis and claims brought
under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976. Having completed the LPC
and joined the Clinical Risk department of DAC Beachcroft in
2016 as a Paralegal, Max progressed via the vocational route to
qualification as a Solicitor in 2020.
Max will provide an insight into both qualification via alternative
means and the day to day life of a junior lawyer in Defendant
based clinical negligence claims.

Max Slinger, Solicitor, DAC Beachcroft LLP

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What Does it Take to Become a Barrister?


This presentation will assist you in gaining and enhancing
the key skills required for pupillage and success in practice at
the Bar of England & Wales. What are the key skills required
for success at the Bar? Getting to know yourself- imposter
syndrome and avoiding the pitfall of perfection What is
involved in Bar training and how do I apply? Helping yourself
- how to enhance your Bar CV. Taking the plunge - pupillage
applications & interviews.

Christopher Kessling Vice Dean, The Inns of Court
College of Advocacy

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An Introduction to Alternative Careers for Law Graduates


This session is aimed at those who want to explore career
options other than solicitor or barrister. It will introduce
students of the range of careers open to Law graduates, both
related to Law and in other fields. Students will also gain an
awareness of the skills developed th rough a Law degree, skills
that graduate recru iters seek, see examples of destinations of
recent Southampton Law graduates and know what next steps
to take in their career planning.

A speaker from Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise,
University of Southampton

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International Deals/Island Lifestyle: Learn about an alternative route to qualification as an English Solicitor


We will explain how to qualify as an English Solicitor whilst
working with Maples in Jersey. We’ll also discuss how our Jersey
lawyers interact and work with our global clients, the huge part
Jersey lawyers have to play in multi-jurisdictional transactions,
whilst enlightening you about the perks of an island lifestyle.
This presentation will be delivered by a Partner and Associate
based in our Jersey office. As well as promising to be an
interesting and informative talk, this is a great opportunity to
hear about our new Trainee Solicitor Programme in Jersey
which is launching in 2023.

Mark Crichton, Partner and Loryn Bridgen, Associate,
Maples Group

Register here

A Career in Marine and International Trade with a Global Law Firm


This session will seek to provide an insight into the life of a
marine and international trade lawyer and what a typical day
involves. It will also include tips and hints for applying to this
particular area of law and Stephenson Harwood in particular.

Ivan Valkov, Managing Associate, Stephenson Harwood LLP

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Working as a Solicitor in Child Care Law


Jon is a solicitor and Partner in the Family Law team at Dutton
Gregory Solicitors and practices in both public and private child
law. This talk will provide an overview on the key differences
between these two areas, including looking at the procedures
and relevant law. This will include looking at the different
parties and experts that may involved in the processes, from
CAFCASS, social workers and Court Appointed Guardians, as
well as the role of a solicitor and how this will change depending
on whom you are acting for and the nature of the proceedings.

Jonathan Whettingsteel, Partner, Dutton Gregory

Register here

All sessions today will be held in the Senate Room, Building 37, Room 4049
Please click the session URL to access the registration page.

The Local Government Lawyer


An overview of an alternative to traditional high street
law - working as an in-house lawyer for an organisation
that serves the community but has the staffing and annual
budget turnover of a blue-chip company, is a regional
leader of enterprise, employment and development and
requires legal advice and support in dozens of discreet
areas of legal practice.

Sarita Riley, Head of Legal Partnerships at Southampton
City Council/Southampton & Fareham Legal Partnership

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Work Experience, Internships and Placement Opportunities for Law Students


Your chance to find out about your options for legal work
experience opportunities through your Careers
& Employability Service. The presentation will look at
the Excel Southampton Internships, Year in Employment,
Volunteering, Business Innovation Programmes with a
focus on the legal industry. This will be followed by a
Q&A session.

Speakers from Careers, Employability and Student
Enterprise, University of Southampton

Register here

Commercial Awareness - Case Study Workshop


An Associate and trainee from Herbert Smith Freehills
(HSF) will guide students through how to approach a
technical case study. The case study reflects the sort of
task that students might encounter at an assessment
centre or if they enter private practise.
HSF will share tips and tricks and answer any questions
about how to approach these sorts of tasks and trainee
life in general.

Joshua Ryan, Associate, Herbert Smith Freehills

Register here

How to Boost your Commercial Awareness


This interactive session will cover the following aspects of
this important skill: What is Commercial Awareness? How
to show commercial awareness when applying for
vacation schemes. What you can do right now to increase
your understanding of commercial issues. How to
demonstrate your commercial awareness when applying
for Training Contracts/period of recognised training.
What firms are looking for as a future trainee. What
questions you might be asked and how to answer them
effectively. What does commercial awareness look like
in practice as a lawyer and my experience of commercial
awareness at Lester Aldridge.

Anmol Ahluwalia, Solicitor, Lester Aldridge

Register here

Studying for an LLM


This session will offer invaluable advice on why you should
consider postgraduate study, the different types of
courses available, what you should look for and the issues
to consider before embarking upon postgraduate study.

Stephanie Law, Associate Professor in Law,
University of Southampton

Register here

Qualifying as a Solicitor: LPC & SQE - How to Choose


For students intending to train as a solicitor, our LPC and
SQE workshop will outline the old and new route and
help students decide which is best for them. Our team
will also lead an interactive taster to demonstrate what
Postgraduate legal study will be like.

The University of Law

Register here

All sessions today will be held in the Senate Room, Building 37, Room 4049
Please click the session URL to access the registration page.

10:00-11:00 - How to get to Partnership Yesterday

A light-hearted review of the inner workings of law
firms, how to stand out from day 1 and essential tips for
aspiring Partners.

Alan Corcoran, Partner, Shoosmiths

Register Here

11:00-12:00 - Data Privacy Lawyers (By Accident)

Data privacy has massive importance in the economy
and, of course, in our own personal lives. In recent years,
there has been an explosion of interest in this area fuelled
by high profile events such as the Edward Snowden
revelations on mass public authority surveillance and the
increased use of technologies such as cookies and facial
recognition to track and monitor our behaviour. In this
talk, DWF data privacy lawyers Tughan Thuraisingam and
Shervin Nahid will provide insight into how they ‘fell’ into
this area and what it’s like being a data privacy lawyer in a
global provider of integrated legal and business services.

Tughan Thuraisingam, Director, and Shervin Nahid,
Senior Associate, DWF.

Register Here

12:00-13:00 - The Crown Prosecution Service - Our Career Pathways

Join Crown Prosecutors from CPS Wessex as they talk to
you about the wide variety of roles and careers pathways
we have available within the CPS.

A team of Prosecutors from the Crown Prosecution
Service Wessex

Register Here

14:30-15:30 - Lawyers in Government: Build Your Career in Life-Changing Law

This talk will provide an overview of the complex,
politically sensitive and high profile work undertaken by
government lawyers. It will explain what we do, including
our unique function of turning policy into law. The
presentation will look at the similarities and differences
between working as a government lawyer and working in
private practice. It will also cover the application process
for a training contract/pupillage, including the skills we
look for and how you can acquire or develop them, and
training with the Government Legal Profession.

Ben Dean, Senior Lawyer,HMRC and Stephen Underwood,
Senior Lawyer, Department for Education

Register Here

15:30-16:30 - Working as a Barrister and Solicitor in Family Law

This session will look at the challenges and privileges of
being a Family lawyer. Carol and Bryan will share their
experiences and discuss routes into the profession and
legal experience students should consider if they are
interested in this area. They will also discuss what a normal
day in the life of a Family Law Solicitor/Barrister is like.

Carol Davies, Barrister, College Chambers and Bryan
Scant, Senior Associate, Blake Morgan LLP

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