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The University of Southampton
The Learn With US Transition Programme

Our philosophy

Students in a lecture
Students in a lecture

The Learn with US Transition team provide virtual and in-person sessions to students in state schools around the country, supporting delivery of project qualifications. Our structured transition programme eases students into higher education, whilst enriching their learning and bolstering their personal statements.

The philosophy of Learn with US Transition centres on the value of research-driven and project-based learning in supporting students' transition to higher education. The aim of the programme is to encourage students' critical thinking, curiosity, scholarship, reflection and independent learning. As a team, we strive to inspire students in developing these skills prior to arriving at university.

Students will continually enhance these research skills for the duration of their undergraduate studies, resulting in an excellent range of transferable skills for graduate employment or further study.

Please fill out a booking form if you would like to make a booking for either a session or library visit .

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